Tanit diary
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  • Tanit diary

    20.09.2008 sobota OIOM
    open 22.00 start 23.00
    wstep: zaproszenie /10zł / 15zł

    MATTHIAS MEYER / liebe detail,hamburg /
    PATLACK/PATRICK MULLER / greelpound,eminor rec./
    INTERELEKTRIKA / discofabs,funkybeats /
    SMOLNY / skylark, oiom /
    TUMIK / skylark, oiom /

    szajze wideło

    Matthias Meyer (Liebe*Detail, Hamburg)

    Matthias Meyer, rocznik '81, dorastał w saksońskiej prowincji pomiędzy Lunenburgiem a Hanowerem. Zazwyczaj takie miejsca nie sprzyjają kreatywności,tak też było w przypadku Matthiasa. Dopiero kiedy odkrył Hamburg z jego nocnym zyciem i scena muzyczną jego życie nabralo tempa. W 2003 roku założył kolektyw DJski z wydającym na Eminor Records Patlaciem. Zaczęli wspólnie organizować imprezy, które cieszyły się ogromnym powodzeniem i wprowadzały nowe tchnienie w nieco już zastygłą scenę. Zaangażowanie i pasja, którą wkładali w te wydarzenia odpłaciła im się rosnącą liczbą bookingów w Niemczech i na świecie
    Sukcesem był również wydany w hamburskiej wytwórni Liebe*Detail krążek "Reichenbach" w 2006 roku, który uplasował się na 3 miejscu w notowaniach prestiżowego magazynu Groove. Następna EPka "Voltage"powtórzyła sukces debiutu i Matthias zaczął się liczyć na klubowej scenie nie tylko jako utalentowany DJ, ale również obiecujący producent.

    Matthias Meyer, born 1981, DJ with passion: He grew up in the province of Germanys Lower Saxony. To be more exact: In the dance music nowhereland between Lueneburg (eng: Lunenburg) and Hannover. Living in such places music is the usual way to take the city home. And so should it happen that the City triangle Chicago-Detroit-Hamburg became deciding for Matthias Meyer. Chicago and Detroit, these cities were equivalent to vinyl-pressed promisses and Hamburg was the next reachable City showing a kind of nightlife and many-sided music scene.
    The "Hamburger Schule" and Hip Hop, determinant for the nineties, have been extended for a widely branched, fast growing club scene, in which he was involved as a DJ and producer even faster than he ventured to dream.
    But first the province has to be presentable. In 2003 he and his friends established the DJ collective sfunkt, among others also with his brother in mind Patlac (Eminor Records), who he got to know in his home village in the middle of the nineties. With Patlac he organized a lot of evenings in regional clubs and so he brought a bit of hope into this nowhereland.
    With a lot of engagement and passion sfunkt became a big part of regional dance culture. They attract attention with their rousing, various and groove-minded sets.
    Being up to date the boys around sfunkt became typical for their generation, which helped the electronic music scene to a decisive changing of direction with its understatement. Keeping an eye on the dancers was a decisive fact for Matthias Meyer getting national and international bookings, with great pleasure together with his colleague Patlac.
    Another cause for his success are his releases on the Hamburg based label Liebe*Detail, which brought out his debut 12" "Reichenbach" in January 2006.
    The track, an energetic rave monster filled national and international dance floors with enthusiasm. It became # 3 in the "Groove" magazine charts and was responsible for the biggest success of the label Liebe*Detail. His second release "Voltage" came out on the same label and went back to the success of "Reichenbach". That proved that we have to count on the sympathic German in the future.
    While being booked all over Europe, he also remains loyal to his region: Since May 2007 Matthias Meyer, Patlac and a female friend organize their own club series in Lueneburg called "Wake Up!", which ventured to specialize on the actual club sound.

    Watch out! There's more to come!


    Reichenbach / A Pony Named Clipklop (12") liebe*detail 2005
    Reichenbach / A Pony Named Clipklop (12", Ltd, Cle) liebe*detail 2005
    Voltage / Slices (12") liebe*detail 2006
    Voltage / Slices (12", Cle) liebe*detail 2006
    Tout Va Bien / The Anger (12") liebe*detail 2008

    Tracks Appear On:
    Deutscher Techno (2xCD) Reichenbach Translunar Ltd. 2006
    Summership Vol. 1 (2xCD) Reichenbach ZYX Music 2006
    Flexistik (CD, Mixed) Salt City Flex Schallplatten 2008
    Sci-Fi Hi-Fi 5: Slam (CD, Mixed, Comp, Promo) Tout Va Bian Butkickne... Soma Quality Recordings 2008
    Sci-Fi Hi-Fi 5: Slam (CD, Mixed, Comp) Tout Va Bien (Original) Soma Quality Recordings 2008[/b]

    Promo set:

    Patlac / Patrick Müller (Greelpound Label, Eminor Rec.)

    The minimalism of dancemusic brought a new generation of djs researching esthetics of electronic music with a lot of understatement.
    The 24 year old Patlac took the other way around, because he was born in Berlin and went to Lüneburg, a dreamly but with an active studental scene and an accordant musicculture blessed small town. Deciding for Djing in 1999.The classical Detroit/Chicago sound in addition, Berlin was shaping for it, but above all the music and the sets must function and should be honest. he started playing in local bars and small clubs. Patlac puts its Set..s to arrange varied to very much value on it. There it can quite occur, which one gets to hear in one evening of minimal over Techno to House of everything. His big engagement helped him beeing a part of the local danceculture. He attracts attention with his entraining, variing and groove affected dj sets. One desisive element for his national and international bookings is that he always kept an eye on the dancefloor.
    Together with Matthias Meyer (liebe*deatil/ hamburg) we got a combination affected with energetic sets. He also spend time with producing his own tracks, containing techno, minimal and house.it goes inventing not therefore the music again, separates its own interpretation to only create. His first release is out on summer 2007 on eminor from hamburg. the second release comes out on greelpound from italy in may 2008

    Since May 2007 Patlac, Matthias Meyer and a female friend organized their own club series in Lüneburg called „ WAKE UP!", which ventured to specialize on the club sound.


    Estrella EP (File, MP3) Greelpound Label 2008

    Tracks Appear On:
    Untitled (12") Past8, Past8 (Alessio ... Eminor Records (2) 2007
    Flexistik (CD, Mixed) Salt City Flex Schallplatten 2008


    interelektrika represents interdisciplinary electronic dance music.
    the basic about the sets of TinoCollin & Funkasko
    is the groove on the dancefloor.
    without limits between house, electronic and techno music the
    two guys push everybody on the dancefloor. since 2005 they
    always play back to back.

    tino has his roots in paraguay. in the age of 9 he started
    playing guitar, 3 years later he founded his first own rockband.
    in 1995 he made his first experiences with electronic dance music
    and during the next years he played in different clubs.

    lukas aka funkasko is originally from poland.
    he got to know electronic music in 2002 but made
    his first experiences in djing already in 2003 during his
    asia-trip. from that time he only wanted to spin
    the turntables and luckily met TinoCollin shortly in 2004.

    in 2004 the two guys founded with johnny error
    the dj-collective DiscosFabulosos
    and were from now on no longer only djs
    but also hosts of several events.

    apart from numerous bookings in nothern germany the were
    residents in the clubs below:
    2005/06 Vamos!Kulturhalle
    2006 Bar MontFort
    2007 IQ-Club

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