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Chicago 18.04.2010
Imprezy w Chicago, error
Tenis, poludnie Chicago
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  • Tanit diary


    Blood pressures can boil over parking tickets. But a federal trial over a $1 million-plus lawsuit centers on whether a Chicago police officer falsely arrested a parking-meter supervisor over a ticket on his personal minivan at midday on busy Michigan Avenue.

    Jacqueline Fegan literally made a federal case out of it, alleging Officer Robert Reid arrested her for jaywalking, handcuffing her and throwing her roughly into the back of a police squadrol.

    In testimony this week in federal court, Fegan, a supervisor for the city's Traffic Management Authority, contended that Reid and three other officers took her into custody when she wouldn't immediately toss out the parking ticket.

    Fegan is suing the city, Reid and the other officers for more than $1million plus punitive damages, claiming false arrest and imprisonment, battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

    It all started in the afternoon of May 18, 2006, on Chicago's Magnificent Mile. A traffic-control employee noticed the van parked illegally in front of a high-rise mall in the 700 block of North Michigan Avenue and promptly wrote a ticket.

    Reid protested, contending he was in the area on police business that also drew a squad car and squadrol.

    Fegan, on patrol as a traffic management supervisor, told an agitated Reid that there was nothing she could do.

    "He said, 'Is that how you're going to be?' " Fegan testified. "He said, 'You people better never meet us. You people better never even jaywalk.' "

    She was turning to go back to her car when Reid allegedly grabbed her arms, yanked them back and slapped handcuffs on her. Lawyers for the officers contend it was a rightful arrest because Fegan was walking into oncoming traffic.

    "I heard my shoulder pop," testified a teary-eyed Fegan, who wound up having wrist surgery and is still on unpaid medical leave. She also alleges psychological damage.

    Susan Sullivan, a lawyer for Reid, pelted Fegan with questions about whether it was she who threw her clout around. Sullivan insinuated that Fegan bragged about City Hall connections and about how fast she would be out of police custody.

    Fegan disputed whether she even stepped into the street just before Reid arrested her. Sullivan pressed her on whether Reid had in fact pulled her from walking into traffic.

    "Officer Reid pulled me from walking to my car," Fegan answered.
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
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